
Academic life is unfortunately full of unpaid, unrecognized labour. So much of what we do is for expected to be done for ‘free’, being outside of our job descriptions and time that we’re actually paid for. February, though the shortest month, is smack dab in the middle of the semester and can feel like the most demanding.

In an effort to reveal just how much free work we do in the academy, and maybe co-commiserate, we’re asking you to keep a list of all of the free work you do in February for the CES blog. (Yes, we know this is ironically adding a bit to your pile for February!) We’ll post all of these lists on the Critical Ethnic Studies blog in March as ‘listicles’. You can also tweet parts of your list using #freeworkfeb

Get in touch, and submit your list at  justice@criticalethnicstudies.org or tweet us at @CESJournal using the hashtag #freeworkfeb